Wednesday, March 25, 2009


So today I was going to talk about hidden object games and their ominous rise to success but instead of that I'm going to instead travel back in time to 2006 so that Wonderella is new and fresh and I can recommend it to you before you discover it for yourself.

Seriously, it is worth reading. You will find The Non-Adventures of Wonderella both compelling and hilarious. True story. I have obligingly linked you to the first comic so you can follow the funny in sequential order. It is the comedy of the human condition. Haven't we all been tricked by leprechauns that one time?

I finish this post on-topic with the following statement-slash-rhetorical-question: Halo Wars - you promised so much but delivered so little - what is up with that?


Unknown said...

Haha, I haven't read Wonderella before but I am suitably entertained now. Thanks for the link.

Greg Tannahill said...

Huzzah, a convert!
Possibly I would have enjoyed Sex In The City more if it had superheroes.