Thursday, April 10, 2008

More On Movies

While we're talking movies anyway, I somehow had missed the following films in development:

Terminator Salvation, aka Terminator 4, starring Christian Bale (Batman Begins) and directed by the producer of Supernatural and The O.C, coming late next year.

G.I. Joe, starring Dennis Quaid (Vantage Point) and directed by Stephen Sommers (The Mummy, The Mummy Returns). Also for late next year. Set your derision-guns to "kill".

Watchmen, based on the Alan Moore comic, and finally emerging from one of Hollywood's most epic decade-spanning development hells. Directed by Zack Snyder (300), and apparently far enough along to have production stills available. Still no release date though.

And, finally, no joke, Where The Wild Things Are, directed by Spike Jonze (Being John Malkovic, Adaptation). Yes, it's the movie of the Maurice Sendak book. Which fills me with all kinds of squee. I really don't care whether Jonze does it straight or takes it into crazytown, it'll all be good. December this year.

Sorry if the above is old news; I just don't know how I could have possibly missed that these films were happening. The important thing is that I know about them now.

1 comment:

Juri chan said...

I did the blog thing!