Saturday, September 06, 2008

WA Greens AGAINST An R18+ Classification For Games

Probably too late to catch you Western Australians before you head to the polls, but Kotaku (of all places) has just drawn my attention to the fact that the WA Greens are vocally against the introduction of an R18+ classification for videogames.

Sitting Greens member Giz Watson appears to be responsible for the policy, and to be fair to her it looks as though she's just a bit underinformed rather than totally rabid, but it's still a bit disappointing from a party that's traditionally done better on civil liberties than this. WA Greens policy would continue to see games unsuitable for those under the age of 18 outright banned.

Check out the coverage at the amusingly named


Anonymous said...

Bollox. That's what I get for not getting around to researching my local candidates a little more thoroughly. Ah well - will have to attempt to contact her at some point, though my votes already escaped the barn door...

Thanks for the heads up, anyway.

Anonymous said...

eh, suprise suprise, the green arent the smartest people....
it's not suprising the watermelons would roll over and tow the labor party line...

Greg Tannahill said...

I hold hopes that Ms Watson can be brought to some common sense once presented with reasonable information on the issue. You should totally feel free to politely raise the issue with her.