Monday, July 31, 2006

The Ship

[Computer Gaming]

Because I was telling some friends about it the other day, and they read my blog, here's a link to a full review of The Ship, a Source-engine first person stealth murder mystery Sims game. It sounds awesome, and I'll definitely have to try it the next time I let Steam anywhere near my computer (currently scheduled for approximately when hell freezes over).


Unknown said...

I don't understand the problem. It looks awesome and I'm tempted to purchase it at the first available opportunity.

Greg Tannahill said...

You have to install Steam to buy it. It's only available as an electronic purchase - you don't get a CD. It probably requires you to regularly connect to Steam to continue using it in any fashion.

In short, it may be the sweetest, cuddliest puppy you've ever seen, but the pet store is still run by SATAN.