Thursday, July 27, 2006

When Christians Attack

[Web Stuff] [Religion]

I'm not Christian. Or, really, an adherent of any organised religion. But those kooky God-botherers sure can be good people from time to time. In fact, the majority of them are fine, open-minded, intelligent, rational people.

But sometimes they go bad. In pretty much the same way tuna goes bad - by jumping on the internet and printing tracts.* And boy howdy, is that funny.

(* Tuna may not always do this. It depends whether the tuna has access to the internet.)

For those who are able to get a good laugh out of seeing what happens when zealotry and bigotry have kinky sex and make malformed illegitimate babies, you'll be amused by the following links, to which I was clued in by Julia at Go Camel.

* On Dungeons & Dragons: In which we learn that your GM is preparing you for indoctrination into a coven of witches.

* On Wicca: In which we learn that Satan's hoofprint is firmly stamped on modern wicca. Possibly in hot wax.

* On Evolution: In which we learn what the Bible has to say about straw men (hint: it loves them), and that atoms are held together mostly by the power of Christ.

* On Witchcraft: In which Harry Potter teaches children the black arts, but a passing preacher saves the day through a quick exorcism.

* On Vampires: Apparently more numerous than originally believed.

* On Rock Music: In which modern music is a druidic conspiracy to cast spells at us within our very homes.

Comedy gold, people. Honestly, you can't make this stuff up. I'll stress again that I'm not attacking Christianity as practised by the vast majority of fairly level headed people, just this one guy and the authors and readers of his whacky website. Now I just have to sit back and wait for the hate mail to pour in. 8-)


Duncan M said...

Oh God, Chick Tracts?!? Chick is way out there, and not a representative slice of humanity, let alone christianity. Comedy gold though. Weird, funny stuff. It's like a parody of itself. It bleeds satire, and yet is written by someone who devoutly believes in what he is doing. Just too much!

Unknown said...

I'm finding it really odd. I don't know enough about evolution to say why they're wrong, so for all I know they're right.

It's also facinating looking at the way the stories are structured to give them that bias.

Greg Tannahill said...

Well, the first problem would be where he brings up the topic of the "evolution" of stars and so forth when he knows very well he's only going to be discussing the evolution of life.

Then in relation to "Lucy", he juxtaposes a finding of Richard Leakey with a statement that "most experts now agree was [...] not a missing link", implying a relationship between those facts. The latter statement is false (unless you add the word "creationist" before "experts") and has nothing necessarily to do with the research of Leakey, who at last date was happy with Lucy being of the age and pedigree claimed. (link)

Next he suggests that the theory of evolution in any way derives support from Piltdown Man, which was thoroughly debunked a very, very long time ago.

After that he pretty much starts running through a list of arguments supporting evolution that haven't been advanced for over a hundred years, without in any way turning to the support for evolution found in the analysis of sheltered ecoysytems, deep sea life, and microbiology.

Like I said, it's mostly a straw man argument. He puts deliberately weak arguments into the professor's mouth and then shoots them down with a combination of valid facts and fast and loose "everybdoy knows" assertions.

Which, you know, isn't to say that there aren't a lot of weaknesses in the modern theory of evolution, but these aren't them.

Anonymous said...

I like how the one about evolution also explicitly claims we have no idea how atoms are held together, so it must be the LOVE OF JESUS.

Jack Chick is, indeed, comedy gold, and kind of lovable in his insanity. My favourite Chick tract is 'Are Catholics Christians?' - and you just know, once he's asked that question, that the answer is going to be 'no, they worship the demon goddess Isis', right?

I have a nice little affectionate but hilarious sort of scholarly Chick fanzine somewhere.

Greg Tannahill said...

It seems everyone's encountered this guy before except me. Well, better to join the party late than never.

Anonymous said...

Oh, yeah, these things are from the eighties!