Wednesday, August 23, 2006

Date Formatting


Just paying for Japanese hotels and I notice they're asking me for the date in the format (yyyy/mm/dd). This makes total sense. File names that start with this date convention then display in date order when sorted numerically! Why doesn't everyone do things this way?

Is it wrong that I think about stuff like this?


Phrancq said...

Perhaps I'm set in my ways, but I'll never join you in your date changing ways!

Unknown said...

It's not bad that you think about it, but how is it any more convenient that any other way of arranging the date? I think it all comes down to personal preference...except that in day to day life date is more important that month which is more important than year (because we don't tend to plan things that far ahead). Quite often with files it will be the reverse, with years being the most important.

I will join Matt in the not-changing ways.

Greg Tannahill said...

Well, every other way of expressing the date carries no particular benefit, whereas this one means that date order is the same as numberical order.

Am I the only one who names Word documents with dates in them and then gets annoyed that they don't display in the correct order in Explorer?

Grant said...

I've re-labelled directories in shared drives at two employers in a row now for this very reason.

Anonymous said...

ISO 8601 all the way, babe :)

Greg Tannahill said...

ISO? I had to deal with that evil standard at my last job; in fact, I was in charge of organising compliance.

Here is a message to pass on to your children: ISO is evil, like Hitler, and probably gassed millions of Jews.

Anonymous said...

But it specifies the YYYY-MM-DD thang!
What's not to like? :)

Greg Tannahill said...

ISO drowns puppies. True story.