Thursday, August 31, 2006

Silent Hill vs Resident Evil

[Computer Gaming]

Largely due to the fact we're seeing the Silent Hill movie tonight, a friend and I just booted up the original Silent Hill for the PlayStation for a trip down memory lane. As a result, I've now played the opening minutes of the original Silent Hill and the original Resident Evil in the same week.

It's a comparison that does no favours for Resident Evil. One uses the game design to create atmosphere and tension, and the other uses the game design to make you steer like a truck and conserve ink like it was more valuable than gold.

Again, how did Resident Evil ever become the icon that it is? I'm baffled.


Jey said...

Saw an ad for Silent Hill (the movie). It looked kinda spooky. Think I'll wait til it comes out on video so no one looks at me funny if I scream.

Phrancq said...

You forget that Resident Evil was supposed to be tacky B-Grade, where as Silent Hill was intentionally creepy arse horror. Sure, they're both survival horror games, but they're focusing on different aspects. Just as Obscure was teen horror and Farenheit was mystery occult horror.

Greg Tannahill said...

Tacky B-grade still attempts to be scary. Resident Evil was fun but it never even really tried to be scary.

Review of the movie to follow.

Phrancq said...

Yes it did. There are obvious points where they tried to freak people out.

That's like trying to say that Plan 9 wasn't trying to scare people just because it didn't scare us in any way and was hokey.

Greg Tannahill said...

Resident Evil 1. Where are the scary bits? Cos I frikkin' missed them. The closest they got to scary is when you find one zombie eating another zombie, and you kill the first zombie, and then the zombie that was being eaten attacks you. And it really wasn't scary, it was just, "Ow, time to use another health item."