Saturday, October 14, 2006

Last LonelyGirl 15 Post

[Web Stuff] [Film] [Comics]

As a sort of finale to the LonelyGirl 15 posts I did a while back, I present the latest news direct from the mouth of Buffy and Firefly creator Joss Whedon. Discussing his upcoming Wonder Woman film adaptation over at fansite Whedonesque:

Wonder Woman has finally been cast. To no one's surprise, we eschewed all those tired movie and TV personalities and cast the interweb star "Lonelygirl", or whatever her actual name is. Congratulations, whomever!
- Joss Whedon

So there you have it. Clearly definitive news, and absolutely not a tongue-in-cheek off-the-cuff joke. Look forward to our friend Jessica Rose saving the world from Ares, Circe and/or the Cheetah soon in a theatre near you.

Thanks to Internal Collapse for the tip-off.

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