Red Sonja, coming in 2009. Robert Rodriguez to direct? Hell yes! Rose McGowan to star? Um...
I love Rose McGowan to death, but I'm not yet sold that she's Red Sonja material. I guess Rodriguez has time to convince me.
EDIT: Oh hell no. Rodriguez isn't directing, he's producing. Director is actually Douglas Aarniokoski, "best known" for his work on Highlander: Endgame. So much for that brief bout of enthusiasm. Sorry folks - false awesomeness alarm - nothing to see here.
I totally agree! Rose is not right for the role. It needs to be someone like Brigitte Neilson. Someone who is big and amazon like. It won't work with a 5'3 110 or so pound women. It doesn't look realistic enough. I heard it was actually pushed back to 2010 and that it'll go straight to dvd rather than hitting the theathers.
I wouldn't have thought with names like Rodriguez and McGowan attached it would need to go straight to DVD.
Actually, a couple of hours on, I'm starting to warm to Ms McGowan as Red Sonja. Largely based on the idea that I think she can do the attitude, and Rodriguez is brilliant enough with this kind of pulp material to fudge the rest.
I never like Rodriguez' early stuff but ever since he's gone big-budget he's won me over.
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