Wednesday, May 24, 2006

Girl Gamer Blog Challenge

[Web Stuff] [Computer Gaming]

What with all these girls playing games these days, it's no surprise that there are a few girl gamer blogs getting some attention. What is surprising is that they are all so freaking excellent.

I mean, they're ALL so good. The girl gaming blogosphere seems to be completely devoid of the half-assed and the merely competent. Here I am rambling about the latest Final Fantasy clone I've dug out of the bargain bin, and meanwhile they're brimming to the lid with an intoxicating mix of uber-geekness and well-presented academia. It's enough to make me throw up my hands in despair.

I'll direct you to three of particular note, if you haven't encountered them already:
* Wonderland : Alice talks about sci-fi television, game geek art, MMOGs, and all things kawaiiiii.
* Guilded Lilies : "Grown Women Playing Games", covering the gaming spectrum from virtual world design to game marketing with a decidedly feminine eye.
* New Game Plus : Ariel's apparently a feminist, student, and Nanowrimo participant who blogs on gender and culture issues in games

And of course you should check out the coverage over at Acid for Blood with sidebar regular Brinstar for all things Guild Wars and Metroid.

So my challenge is... can anyone point me to a girl gamer blog which is merely average? Or, to put it another way whereby you're less likely to offend your friends, what girl gamer blogs are out there which I've somehow completely overlooked?

EDIT: It's belatedly crossed my mind that some of the above may object to being referred to as "girl gamers". Those who know me may be aware that I use the word "girl" as a positive term to connote someone who is either physically or mentally on the same generational wavelength as myself. But if anyone's actually worried I'm quite happy to substitute the phrase "woman gamer blogs". Besides, disagreement breeds discussion, and discussion breeds learning, so go nuts flaming me if you've got the inclination.


Anonymous said...

Hey, you're thinking critically about the language you use and why you use it. I won't complain about that. I'm glad you enjoy my blog!

I'm not going to name any bad blogs (after all, men don't have to defend their gender when trying to keep their blog interesting). But here a few other gamer blogs I enjoy:

Official Blog by tekanji, who is one of my bestest friends in the whole world.

One Hundred Little Dolls another multiple-topic blog that covers video games and gender.

Greg Tannahill said...

Hurray! Thanks for stopping by! (In case it's not obvious, Lake Desire is the primary blogger over at New Game Plus, and she also fails to note that some of that excellent content over at the blog bears her signature as well.)

I've just paged through the most recent posts on both sites named above. I can endorse the quality of the blog, but it's a little more political and a little less geek than what ordinarily makes my regular blog reads. I'll be keeping it in mind as a potential source of commentary next time I'm blogging on gender issue, though!

100littledolls is definitely more on my wavelength. Anime, gaming, and how everyone seems to miss the point of what could make She-Hulk and the X-Men actually interesting characters.

Fantastic start: now, what else do people have for the edification of my greedy little eyeballs?

Greg Tannahill said...

Er... that comment probably should have gone under my Conflux post, but in short I don't know yet because Kylie hasn't got to me with the details. I do know that Conflux is hosting the Magic: The Gathering regionals; Logical Choice is involved in some way so they may have some games on display; there's going to be some kind of marathon Munchkin session in honor of Steve Jackson; some Warhammer 40K for our ex-Games Workshop guest; and if I have my way (which I will) there'll be Betrayal at House on the Hill aplenty. Depending on how many people actually turn up, there'll probably also be bunches of Settlers of Catan, Flux, Robo Rally, Zombies, plus a good chance of some RPG action if that's your thing. Bear in mind we ARE competing with Phenomenon, though, which is an RPG-focused con, so I'm not expecting a lot in that direction.

Brinstar said...

Yarg! I'm happy to be named in such estemmed company as the blogs you've listed!

I don't object to be called a "girl gamer", as I am a girl who plays videogames. "Woman gamer" is also fine. Hell, just "gamer" works as well!

Greg Tannahill said...

On a completely shallow note... ooh, Brinstar has a shiny icon! I need to get around to getting me one of those one of these days. Thanks for stopping through. I've found a few more good girl gamer blogs since I posted; I might do some kind of a "part 2" some day soon.