Friday, May 26, 2006

Saluting The New Order

[Computer Gaming]

Sorry for the glut of Sony bashing posts here of recent weeks (it's so easy!). All this has been by way of me coming to an important realisation.

Despite the fact that I have been a Sony gamer for the last two generations of gaming consoles; despite the fact that I have roughly 100 PS1 and PS2 games; despite the fact that I was a PSP early adopter; despite the fact that I desperately, desperately want to play Metal Gear Solid 4 and Final Fantasy XIII; and despite the fact that I am exactly the kind of spend-happy loyalist demographic that Sony is counting on to pay way too much for their new Blu-Ray doorstop ...

... I will not be buying a PS3 at launch.

And you know what? If I hear the slightest hint that Konami and Square's respective franchises may not be cast-iron Sony exclusive (and they've done it before), then I can't really see why I'd buy a Playstation 3 at all.

(*unsurprised silence*)

Well, it's a big deal for me, alright?

By the way, Dubious Quality sums up Sony's exit from the market in this post in a far more comprehensive way than I could ever hope to.


Unknown said...

Dubious Quality is terribly, terribly right and it makes me want to cry. There's no way that Sony can pull themselves out of this. I'm big on brand loyalty. I only grocery shop at Woolworths, not Coles, I only get my smoothies at Boost, not Energise (or whatever the hell it's called) and I only play my PS3...wait, no. :-(

Phrancq said...

I don't think it's impossible for Sony to pull themselves out of this shithole, but it will take a lot for them to convince me to buy a PS3 now. Which is a shame.

I can't believe I'm saying this, but bring on the Wii!